The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education has fired seven teachers who belong to the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU, Jeon Gyo Jo). The stated reason is that they failed to have their students take state-administered tests on December 10, instead approving applications by some students and parents to go on a field trip, but the decision is stained with distortions and expediencies, from the reason for the censure to the lack of balance in the decision that was made.

서울교육청이 저지른 ‘교권 살해’ 

서울시교육청이 전교조 소속 교사 7명을 파면·해임하는 등 중징계를 했다. 지난 10월 일제고사 형태로 치러진 학업성취도 평가 때 일부 학생과 학부모가 신청한 체험학습을 허락해 고사를 보지 않도록 했다는 것인데, 징계 사유부터 형평성에 이르기까지 왜곡과 편법으로 점철돼 있다.

[한겨레기사 11/11]

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