At a workshop for Grand National Party (GNP) local government heads held a few days ago at the National Assembly Memorial Hall, Minister of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS) Lee Dal-gon made remarks that seemed to suggest he would be taking an active role in next year’s local elections. Lee said, “I would like you to undertake major projects even if it means running up a debt in the second half of this year and next year.” In step with the administration’s new keynote of expanding funding for new recipients, Lee’s statement underscored that he wanted local government heads to participate actively in applying for subsidies, and he added, “If next year’s (local) elections become difficult, I will send the appropriate document to you immediately.”

이달곤 장관, 이번에 지방선거 개입인가

이달곤 행정안전부 장관이 엊그제 한나라당 기초단체장 워크숍에서 내년 지방선거에 노골적으로 개입하겠다는 뜻의 발언을 했다고 한다. 그는 지방자치단체장들에게 정부의 확대재정 기조에 맞춰 적극적인 재정집행에 나서 달라는 취지의 말을 하면서 “내년 (지방)선거가 어려워지면 저희가 ‘좋은 공문’을 즉각 보내주겠다”고 언급했다는 것이다.

[힌겨레기사 6/24]

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