Ruling and opposition parties reached an agreement yesterday to establish a special National Assembly committee for reforms in the judicial system. As it stands, a number of areas remain in need of fixing throughout our judicial system, including the courts, prosecutors and attorneys alike. Various organizations have been formed over the past decade or so to push judicial reforms, and have produced an array of reform plans and actually realized some improvements to the system, but ours still falls short of being a democratic and advanced judicial system in many respects. In that sense, judicial reform must be seen as a work in progress.

사법개혁, 정치적 오염은 안 된다

여야가 국회에 사법제도개혁특위를 두기로 어제 합의했다. 국회 합의가 아니라도 법원·검찰·변호사 등 사법제도 전반에 걸쳐 고치고 바로잡아야 할 일이 많은 것은 사실이다. 지난 십수년간 몇 차례 사법개혁이 추진되긴 했지만, 사법개혁은 아직 끝나지 않은 과제라고 봐야 한다.

[한겨레기사 2/10]

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