Negotiations to form a unified opposition coalition prior to the June 2 regional elections have collapsed. The decisive cause of the rupture of the talks was the inability of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP) and newly formed People’s Participation Party (PPP) to narrow their differences over the selection process to determine a unified candidate for the Gyeonggi Province governor’s race, which has been considered key to any potential solidarity agreement. The deadline for an agreement regarding unified candidates for elementary local governments in the Honam region also passed with without any progress having been made.

이러고도 ‘정권 심판’ 말할 자격 있나

6·2 지방선거를 앞두고 추진돼온 야권연대 협상이 결국 결렬됐다. 연대의 핵심으로 꼽혀온 경기도지사 후보 단일화 방식을 두고 민주당과 국민참여당이 끝내 이견을 좁히지 못한 게 결정적 이유다. 호남 지역 기초단체장 협상도 덩달아 진전을 보지 못한 채 협상 시한을 넘겨버렸다.

[한겨레 기사 4/21]

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