안철수 전 무소속 후보가 문재인 민주통합당 대선 후보에 대한 지지 의사를 재확인했다. 예상보다 수위가 높지 않았지만 안 전 후보가 문 후보 지지를 거듭 표명한 만큼 두 사람이 남은 대선 기간 협력할 방안을 서둘러 마련해야 할 것이다.

안 전 후보는 어제 기자회견에서 “11월23일 사퇴 회견 때 정권교체를 위해 백의종군하겠다, 단일후보인 문재인 후보를 성원해달라고 말씀드렸다. 지지자 여러분께서 큰마음으로 제 뜻을 받아주실 것으로 믿는다”고 말했다.

[12월3일 한겨레]

Moon and Ahn must work together for a new administration

Ahn Cheol-soo has affirmed his intention to support presidential candidate Moon Jae-in. The endorsement was somewhat less enthusiastic than some had been expecting, but now that the former independent candidate has affirmed his backing of the Democratic United Party (DUP) candidate, the two of them should waste no time making plans to cooperate ahead of the Dec. 19 election.

Speaking at a Dec. 3 press conference, Ahn said, “I said in my press conference when I bowed out on November 23 that I would serve as an ‘common man’ for a change of governments, and I asked for support to Moon Jae-in as the single opposition candidate. I believe that all of my supporters will generously agree to my wishes.”

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