It is predicted that the economy of Jeju during the second half of this year will show its slow growth rate in line with the national economic conditions which seem to be worsen. According to ‘2006 Jeju Economy Prediction in the Second Half’ issued by Jeju branch of the central bank, the chances of a recovery in consumption are slim and manufacturers are expected to fall into hardship, and construction sectors, which are already in bad shapes, will continue to suffer from the slump.

하반기 제주경제는 둔화될 전망

2006년 하반기 제주경제는 전국경제의 성장률이 소폭 낮아질 것으로 예상됨에 따라 성장세가 다소 둔화될 전망이다.
한국은행제주본부의 ‘2006년 제주경제 하반기 전망’에 따르면 건설업 부진이 지속되는 가운데 소비회복세가 다소 둔화되고 제조업이 어려울 전망이다.

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