A South Korean court ruled in favor of the creditors of Samsung Motors in a civil lawsuit against Samsung Group over the debt of the group’s failed automobile manufacturing affiliate. The ruling validated an agreement made between Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee and the creditors in 1999. That year, Lee gave 3.5 million of his own shares of unlisted Samsung Life Insurance stock to the creditors as collateral against debts owed by Samsung Motors. Under the agreement, if the stake in Samsung Life were to be sold for less than 700,000 won (US$742) per share, Lee and Samsung affiliates agreed to shoulder the shortfall.

삼성차 손실 국민에 떠넘기려 해서야

서울중앙지법이 삼성차 채무 변제를 둘러싼 삼성과 채권단 사이의 소송에서 채권단의 손을 들어줬다. 이건희 삼성 회장이 개인 소유 삼성생명 주식 350만주를 주당 70만원씩 계산해 삼성차 부채를 변제하고 이를 채우지 못할 경우 삼성 계열사들이 책임지겠다고 했던 채권단과의 약정이 유효하다는 요지다.

[한겨레기사 1.23]

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