It was shocking enough that a mouse head was found in a bag of shrimp-flavored snacks known as “Saeukkang” and the blade of a knife was discovered in a can of tuna. However, now, corn flower and instant boiled rice have been found to have been contaminated by mold. Citizens are naturally becoming enraged at the fact that they can’t trust the nation’s food products.

먹을거리 갖고 속이면 문 닫아야

‘생쥐 머리 새우깡’ ‘칼날 참치’에 이어 옥수수 가루와 즉석밥에서 곰팡이로 보이는 이물질이 또 검출됐다. 믿고 먹을 게 없다는 시민들의 분통이 터져나올 만하다.

[한겨레기사 2.23]

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