The Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS) announced yesterday that it plans to introduce an amendment to the government employee duty regulations that would ban criticism of government policy by government employees’ unions. MOPAS also presented a change to remuneration regulations that would strictly ensure that the deduction of labor dues from pay is only possible through written consent from the individual. This is a measure that has been introduced to put a bit in the mouth of the government employee unions under the excuse of banning political activity. As a result of the MOPAS amendment, it would be difficult for the civil service unions to act as anything more than goodwill associations. This amendment does not merely repress the unions, but strips government employees of their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

공무원노조의 껍데기만 남기겠다는 정부

행정안전부가 어제 공무원노조의 정부 정책 비판을 금지하는 내용의 공무원 복무규정 개정안을 입법예고했다. 조합비 원천징수를 까다롭게 하는 보수규정 개정안도 함께 내놨다. 공무원의 정치 활동 금지를 핑계로 공무원노조에 재갈을 물리겠다는 조처다. 정부의 개정안대로라면 공무원노조는 단순 친목단체 이상의 활동을 하기 어렵게 된다. 이는 노조 탄압에 그치는 게 아니라 헌법에 보장된 기본권마저 공무원들한테서 박탈하는 조처다.

[한겨레기사 10/21]

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